Search results for shingle colors
- Shingle Colors
- Shingle Colors, TAMKO shingle colors, color availability, color options, shingle styles, roof colors, XT StormFighter IR Roofing Colors Our Most Advanced Shingle Ever Titan XT® shingles are designed to offer an advantage for both homeowners and contractors, combining in-demand product features into one Extreme Technology shingle designed to help weather extreme conditions. Vivid Colors Featuring TAMKO’s proprietary granule
- Desert Sand - Roof Shingle Colors - TAMKO
- Desert Sand - Roof Shingle Colors - TAMKO, . Looking for a different style? Similar colors are available in the following shingle cuts: Heritage, : Heritage Titan XT StormFighter IR Roofing Colors Heritage® Series, , but the closer you get to it, the more complexity you see. Desert Sand is mix of light and dark colors layered, location. Consult your contractor or local TAMKO distributor for details. To see colors available, and contractors, combining in-demand product features into one Extreme Technology shingle designed to help
- Thunderstorm Grey - StormFighter FLEX Shingle Colors - TAMKO
- Thunderstorm Grey - StormFighter FLEX Shingle Colors - TAMKO, . Looking for a different style? Similar colors are available in the following shingle cuts, XT StormFighter IR Roofing Colors StormFighter FLEX™ Thunderstorm Grey, for any roof that refuses to be ignored, Thunderstorm Grey is one of the most confident colors under, colors available in your specific area, click here. StormFighter FLEX, . StormFighter FLEX™ is a laminated, fiberglass asphalt shingle
classified by UL
- Mountain Slate - Titan XT Shingle Colors - TAMKO
- Mountain Slate - Titan XT Shingle Colors - TAMKO, shingle designed to help weather extreme conditions. Looking for a different style? Similar colors are available in the following shingle cuts: Heritage Rustic Slate Heritage, : Heritage Titan XT StormFighter IR Roofing Colors Titan XT® Mountain, combines natural colors of rust, fresh dirt, clay and stone to create a look that turns the peaks, distributor for details. To see colors available in your specific area, click here
- Rustic Cedar - StormFighter FLEX Shingle Colors - TAMKO
- Rustic Cedar - StormFighter FLEX Shingle Colors - TAMKO, XT StormFighter IR Roofing Colors StormFighter FLEX™ Rustic Cedar, distributor for details. To see colors available in your specific area, click here, with impact rated StormFighter FLEX. StormFighter FLEX™ is a laminated, fiberglass asphalt shingle, reinforces the entire shingle, while
providing double reinforcement of the sawtooth, HAIL OR OTHER OBJECTS. Looking for a different style? Similar colors are available
- Rustic Slate - StormFighter FLEX Shingle Colors - TAMKO
- Rustic Slate - StormFighter FLEX Shingle Colors - TAMKO, . Looking for a different style? Similar colors are available in the following shingle cuts, XT StormFighter IR Roofing Colors StormFighter FLEX™ Rustic Slate Slate, colors available in your specific area, click here. StormFighter FLEX, . StormFighter FLEX™ is a laminated, fiberglass asphalt shingle
classified by UL,
and style you love. It features an additional polyester mat, which reinforces the entire shingle, while
- Rustic Black - StormFighter FLEX Shingle Colors - TAMKO
- Rustic Black - StormFighter FLEX Shingle Colors - TAMKO, for a different style? Similar colors are available in the following shingle cuts: Titan XT Rustic, XT StormFighter IR Roofing Colors StormFighter FLEX™ Rustic Black, location. Consult your contractor or local TAMKO distributor for details. To see colors available, ™ is a laminated, fiberglass asphalt shingle
classified by UL for compliance with UL 2218, features an additional polyester mat, which reinforces the entire shingle, while
- Thunderstorm Grey - Roof Shingle Colors - TAMKO
- Thunderstorm Grey - Roof Shingle Colors - TAMKO, : Heritage Titan XT StormFighter IR Roofing Colors Heritage® Series, confident colors under the sky. Color and product availability varies, . To see colors available in your specific area, click here. Heritage, in the following shingle cuts: Titan XT Thunderstorm Grey Titan XT shingles are designed, Extreme Technology shingle designed to help weather extreme conditions. StormFighter IR
- Painted Desert - Roof Shingle Colors - TAMKO
- Painted Desert - Roof Shingle Colors - TAMKO, : Heritage Titan XT StormFighter IR Roofing Colors Heritage® Series, vibrant cactus blossoms, over-saturated sunsets and other captivating colors, your contractor or local TAMKO distributor for details. To see colors available in your specific, for a different style? This color is also available in the following shingle cuts: Titan XT Painted, , combining in-demand product features into one Extreme Technology shingle designed to help weather
- Mountain Slate - Roof Shingle Colors - TAMKO
- Mountain Slate - Roof Shingle Colors - TAMKO, : Heritage Titan XT StormFighter IR Roofing Colors Heritage® Series, Slate combines natural colors of rust, fresh dirt, clay and stone to create a look that turns the peaks, TAMKO distributor for details. To see colors available in your specific area, click here, is also available in the following shingle cuts: Titan XT Rustic Slate Titan XT shingles, features into one Extreme Technology shingle designed to help weather extreme conditions