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Trust Your Roof to a TAMKO® Pro

Diamond Program

Represent the TOP 5% of all TAMKO® Contractors

  • Hand-selected professionals by invitation only
  • Trained and certified in all TAMKO® products, installation techniques, and instructions
  • Qualified to offer all TAMKO® Enhanced Limited System Warranties to include workmanship
  • Verified insurance and required to sign Code of Ethics and Professional Practices for added trust and confidence
Platinum Program

Highly Qualified Pros

  • Trained and certified in all TAMKO® products, installation techniques, and instructions
  • Qualified to offer many TAMKO® Enhanced Limited System Warranties to include workmanship
  • Verified insurance and required to sign Code of Ethics and Professional Practices for added trust and confidence
Gold Program

Trusted Professionals

  • Knowledgeable in all TAMKO® products and installation techniques
  • Trained to help ensure lasting quality and reliability Qualified to offer TAMKO® standard warranties & TAMKO Shield™ enhanced limited system warranty.
  • Verified insurance and required to sign Code of Ethics and Professional Practices for added trust and confidence

Only TAMKO® Pros Can Offer
Our Best Warranties

Choosing a TAMKO® Pro Contractor and a TAMKO® Enhanced Limited System Warranty means investing in your home's long-term protection and value.

TAMKO Enhanced Limited System Warranty COMPARE WARRANTIES

Here's What Makes TAMKO's Enhanced Limited System Warranties Stand Out:


Full Start® Coverage:

The standard limited warranty already covers the cost of replacement TAMKO® shingles and labor if your roof leaks with some out-of-pocket expense.

Enhanced limited system warranties from TAMKO® Pro Diamond Contractors offer an extension up to 50 years for replaced products comprising a TAMKO Complete® roof system, including tear-off, removal and disposal with no related out-of-pocket expenses.


Workmanship Coverage:

TAMKO's Workmanship Enhanced Limited System Warranties cover not just materials but also contractor workmanship for up to 25 years.* This means TAMKO® will arrange to have a TAMKO® Pro Contractor repair TAMKO Complete® roof system application errors that causes leaks or adversely affects performance.

*Workmanship coverage is only offered by TAMKO® Pro Platinum Contractors and TAMKO® Pro Diamond Contractors



The enhanced limited system warranty can be transferred to the next homeowner within a certain number of years, adding value to your home and confidence for the next homeowner.


Accessory Requirements:

Enhanced limited system warranties require certain TAMKO® accessories to be installed with TAMKO® shingles, helping ensure that quality-made TAMKO® products are used in critical areas.